24 April 2008

Holla Back MoMMa's!

Okay I need help! Berlin is so miserable...we went to the Dr. on Tuesday and she has a viral throat infection which pretty much means you can't do a dang thing! We have given her a little baby Tylenol but I feel so helpless.
Everything I have read says plenty of fluids,rest and tonz of love. Does anyone have anything to add she is 7 months. I read something about chicken broth? Any other suggestions along that line? Come on give up your remedies...she is sooo miserable and has the WORST runny nose:(


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

As far as getting lots of fluids to pass it throught them I would use Pediatite because of all the electrolytes it has. When it has to do with throats I also use ibuprofen for swelling. I would use it every 4-6 hrs. (I didnt with my 1st so I learned the 2nd time around it helps a lot.)I use to be scared to use much medicine. I hope she gets feeling better. A sick kid is one of the hardes things ever. you feel so bad for them and get ne sleep...Also I dont know why I dont have comment bars, I went to setting, comments, show, save adn it still wont put them up. Have any answers for me? Okay this is forever long. Good luck with Berlin!

m@R(! said...

feel better Berlin! so sad...i think sometimes when our kids are sick it is harder on us then on them. :)

Skylette said...

That is the worst; when your child is sick and you feel helpless. When Luke was a baby and teething ( I know that isn't the problem) we would get these little teething tablets for him and the only place I could find them was at Fred Meyer (they are in a pink/blue package) but they seemed to work better than baby ibuprofen. The dr. said to use those if it worked better as a pain reliever. Just an idea...

Steph said...

Oh, poor little Berlin. :( I hope she is feeling better by the time you get this! It's so hard before they are a year because you worry so much about what to give them. Once she's a year, honey and lemon juice (a tablespoon of each) mixed in the microwave and put into a dropper works magic for a cough/sore throat. But since she's still so young, you'll just have to use the humidifier, try the baby vicks chest rub, saline nasal spray to clear her congestion, and maybe a little benadryl a few hours after the tylenol to help her sleep at night. Good luck. Feel better Berlin!

jodeeharris said...

Hey, Brandie,
I was just going to say the humidifier also. The best thing that I found when Avery was really really sick was to get the bathroom all steamed up from a hot hot running shower and a humidifier (with vicks in it) going in there at the same time. I would just take her in there and sit for 10 minutes or so (or for as long as you can handle all that steam). Your clothes are kinda wet when you come out but your baby is feeling much better! good luck, it is the saddest thing, isn't it?!

Unknown said...

Hey Mommies Thanks for all the replies, you all rock and it really did HELP:)