In March we enjoyed having our friends come over to make home made pizzas. It was fun to have the kids help cook. The two adorable cuties in these pictures belong to a beautiful friend of mine that i originally facebook stalked...YUP I did admit that!! I sometimes see cute women in Pocatello
Also in March, Janet the kids and I went to Mandy's to celebrate her birthday in Boise. The kids had a great time and Berlin LOVED helping auntie Mandy open her gifts. We also got to spend some time with some of Mandy's best friends and their kids and it was so cute how well they all got along.
And Lastly since Everett has turned 1 he has grown into a little man and Berlin Mae's best friend.
They cuddle on the couch together, paint together and Berlin teaches him the ways of life. I can't get enough of these two.
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