Here are some more pictures from when Everett was about a week old. He is now already a month so he looks a bit different I will post some more pics soon. Everett is such a sweet boy. He has been sleeping so well and he LOVES to nurse so he is growing like a weed he is about 10lbs 5oz. Berlin has been a bit of a handful lately I think she truly is too smart for her own good...she remembers the craziest things and LOVES to test her parents:) She is just starting to get used to baby bruda. She is getting so big.
Here he is at 8lbs 12 oz's and 22 inches long Everett Michael Erickson entered our lives at 8:49am on December 28th. We had a very long sleepless night. We had an inducement time of 8pm and we actually weren't able to come in until 11pm because so many women were having babies at that time. When we finally got in they gave me my first dosage of medicine to ease me into labor it was the same routine we went through with Berlin were no pitocin was needed...this time was very very different. After the second dose at 3:30am I was still a 2 and no real changes. When I was given my second dose with Berlin an hour later my water broke naturally and I was able to get the epidural an hour later so it was very smooth. This time nothing happened with the second dose so at 7am my Doctor broke my water and the nurse put me on pitocin...which was a big mistake because right after that had happened I was ready to push when the anesthesiologist finally made it, so I didn't have time to get the epidural and I had to get a different shot to ease the pain right before the baby made it into the world. So it was an hour and 45 minutes after they broke my water that my baby was in my arms. I pushed about 2-3 times and big boy was here. It was extremely painful labor extremely different experience from Berlin but always worth it.
Here is a little slideshow of Everett from our 200 pictures we have already taken...enjoy.
Here is a little video of everett being dedicated to god at Calvary Chapel what you will notice is Berlin felt a little left out so she had to make her way on stage:)
Okay since I had my little guy on December 28th...I have been a HUGE slacker with the blog. Here is a slideshow with some of the events we had going on before my delivery. What was really fun about Christmas this year was we didn't leave our house much. We had the fun anuall Erickson Party in Shelley and then the famous Christmas Eve party(mom in law puts this on at her house and it is always a blast) was held at our house. Then the following day we had a baby shower for Everett and thanks to all of my generous family and friends we were set for the delivery that would be the following night.
Also here is a video of Berlin with her very first time talking to Santa as you can see she is speechless:)