25 September 2008

Some of Berlin's 1 yr Photos

The FAB 5!

Take a look at this generation photo!
It's Great Great Grandma Beaulah from San Diego, Great Grandma Beverly from Eden UT, Grandma Brenda from Blackfoot and Mom Brandi with the star Berlin Mae from Pocatello but in a about 3 years San Diego j/k mom...kind of!
So again Beaulah,Beverly,Brenda,Brandi,Berlin! So Cute!

Berlin's Party

Well on the 14th we had a cowgirl party for Berlin at my mom's that was so fun and really cute. The kids played carnival games and then rode the pony Barney that was the star of the show. My co anchor Matt Davenport took such great pictures! Here are a few of the many Matt took.

11 September 2008

10 September 2008

A Baby No More!

Happy 1st Birthday Berlin Mae Erickson!
As you may or may not know on this date one year ago I gave birth to a 9lbs 5oz 23 inches long baby girl that changed Michael and my life forever. Tears laughter and then more laughter at the size of our new daughter filled the room. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and right away I could see both Michael and I in her face and that alone brought tears to my eyes. Berlin is such a special gift from god and we are so blessed to know her. Berlin inspires Michael and I everyday to be the best we can be for her for eachother & for our families. Sometimes people say after one baby you will change your mind on the size of your family but for me Berlin just justified it.
Berlin Mae we love you more than words could ever express.
Happy 1st Birthday Sweetheart.
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
Berlin Right now...
Loves Baby Doll's she hugs & kisses them rocks them and feeds them.
Can tell you how old she is...If asked she will show you with her finger.
Loves to ride horses she loves her rocking horse, Bucky grandma's mechanical horse and loves to pet her grandparents real horses.
Can walk up to 6 steps and she can stand up in the middle of the room by herself.
Can say momma, dadda, babba, HOT, dog.
Knows what baby, horsey, food, juice, purse, night night, snuggle, kisses hugs, blankee, silky...means.
Can tell you what a doggie, kitty, horsey and cow says.
Loves anything SILK!!! Freaky about it I will hear her moaning in the other room and she is rubbing a silk dress shirt all over her face while sucking her thumb:)
Can shake her booty like know one's business.
Loves the water the tub is truly her favorite thing to do.
Here are a couple of pictures of Berlin that Nema took yesterday I will post many more when I get them.

Also a cute little note it is also My sister in law Amy Felsen's birthday today and James Jr Erickson's too! So Happy Birthday to the first born's on this 10th day of September, we love you all!
The oldest kids in the fam are truly the best!! and smartest! and Cutest! Seriously it's a scientific fact...right Michael:) Oh yeah here is the link to Baby Faces from my show today...